
  1. Routing System:
  2. Here we are trying to take the Source and destination as input from the user. Then we will be getting it’s Latitude and longitudes using Python code. Using that info we will aply Dijkstra algo to find the shortest path on the connected graphh.

  3. Web Scrapper
  4. Developed a Web Scrapper using Python APIs to scrape the reviews of a product from some commercial website. Stored the data using MongoDB and then displayed it in the front-end.

  5. Data Exchange in Heterogenous Systems
  6. The objective of this project is to experience the real world problem of data exchange in a automatic fashion between di erent generations of applications.So we are trying to prove sin2 (x) + cos2 (x) = 1 Here we consider three systems communicating the data.

  7. Boston-Housing
  8. Applied Data Prepossessing,Data Visualization and Machine Learning techniques to create a Linear Regression model to predict the house prices in Boston,Massachusetts.

  9. Finland Labs and IIT Roorkee - ML & AI Using Covid 19 Virus Data Analysis Workshop:
  10. Applied Data Pre-processing, Visualization and Machine Learning techniques to make the predictions how the cases will increase/decrease in the country.